Our Team
At Woodridge Tree, our team is dedicated to providing our clients with the best possible guidance and solutions for their tree management needs. Our team members are certified arborists with years of experience in the industry.
Terry Thrale
Founder & CEO
Terry is an ISA Certified Arborist, an Qualified Tree Risk Assessor with a Diploma in Horticulture. over 10 years of experience in the Consulting Arborist field, and 5 years as a City Arborist before. Being the founder and CEO of Woodridge Tree, Terry is always working towards the best outcome of your projects.
Office Phone: (778) 847-0669
Email: terry@woodridgetree.com
Alanna Claffey
Senior Consulting Manager
Alanna has 18 years of experience in the management of urban and natural forests across Canada. Prior to joining Woodridge Tree, she was the Senior Arborist for the City of New Westminster and the Tree Preservation Official for the City of White Rock. Alanna has worked as both a municipal arborist as well as in the private sector as a consultant, sales arborist, PHC technician, tree climber and bucket operator. Her career has been devoted to providing expertise in tree care solutions, plant health care, pruning, tree removal, retention and preservation methods during development and tree risk assessments.
Office Phone: (778) 847-0669
Email: alanna@woodridgetree.com
Woodridge Tree Team
Terry Thrale
ISA Certified Arborist
ISA Tree Risk Assessor Qualified
Qualified Tree Appraiser
Diploma in Horticulture
Alanna Claffey
Senior Consulting Arborist
ISA Certified Arborist
ISA Tree Risk Assessor Qualified
Qualified Tree Appraiser
Arborist Journeyperson C of Q 200142782
Adrian Szabunio
Consulting Arborist
ISA Certified Arborist
ISA Certified Tree Risk Assessor
Diploma in Civil Engineering Technology
Conor Claffey
Tech Specialist
Support Team